Magica Rust Remover to Produce New Hand Sanitizer
Magic Rust Remover, a small business in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, is pleased to announce hand sanitizer production for COVID-19, mission-critical commercial and industrial supply-chain sourcing, and related applications. Magica began production of its hand sanitizer in March 2020, and has diligently followed the recommended WHO formula for hand sanitizer, providing a product with an alcohol content of over 80%.
According to Bob Everhard, “One of the most exciting parts of being a small business owner, is taking that first step and saying, we can do this is! It was great to see the team rally for this new product launch and be part of the effort of stop the virus spread.”
Like most businesses, the COVID-19 / novel coronavirus pandemic has had a sudden and profound impact on how businesses conduct business. Many schools and companies have been ordered closed by our state governments. As companies, restaurants, and schools begin to reopen, each industry is putting PPE plans in place to protect their staff and customers. Per CDC guidelines, those plans include having hand sanitizer readily available.
For over 30 years Magica has manufactured its rust stain remover and provided it to distributers, retail stores in the U.S., and several large marine distributers worldwide. Our production facility has been newly expanded to incorporate the ever-increasing demand for hand sanitizer across the United States.